To communicate with MPNS servers, I need to send POST requests, so I decided to use Conduit, as I have done with GCM. The MPNS Api looks like this:
MPNS let you send notification in an authenticated or unauthenticated mode, so you can configure this with MPNSAppConfig:
data MPNSAppConfig = MPNSAppConfig{
numRet :: Int -- def = 5
, useSecure :: Bool -- def = False
, certificate :: String -- def = ""
, privateKey :: String -- def = ""
To build messages, I developed a data type "MPNSmessage"
data MPNSmessage = MPNSmessage{
deviceURIs :: [DeviceURI] -- destinations
, batching_interval :: MPNSInterval -- Immediate | Sec450 | Sec900
, target :: MPNSType -- Toast | Raw | Tile
, restXML :: Document -- the XML data to be sent
For sending notifications:
sendMPNS :: Manager -> MPNSAppConfig -> MPNSmessage -> IO MPNSresult
Last, for handling the result:
data MPNSresult = MPNSresult{
sucessfullResults :: [(DeviceURI,MPNSinfo)]
, errorException :: [(DeviceURI,CE.SomeException)]
The code is available on GitHub:
- The MPNS Api : [1]- Test example for MPNS: [2]
For more information about:
- The MPNS Service: [3]
- The communication with MPNS servers: [4]